We are more than a packaging supplier ... ... we offer customized solutions ... ... along the entire supply chain. We are Delta Packaging. Delta Packaging, Services & Solutions.
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Delta Packaging, Services & Solutions.

Pack the tank - with Delta in 5 minutes

Cost-optimized transport
packaging for bumpers from Delta Packaging

Delta develops tank packaging that saves time and money.

Time is money. This is especially true for the highly competitive automotive supply industry. And Delta Packaging proves how efficiently time can be used in packaging management with an innovative solution for packaging fuel tanks.

The problem: the previous packaging consisted of individual parts that were time-consuming and laborious to assemble. The solution: Delta developed a pre-assembled set packaging that reduced the packing time from 30 to 5 minutes. Precise positioning aids eliminate the packing error rate and the flat delivery as set packaging enables optimum logistical handling.

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