We are more than a packaging supplier ... ... we offer customized solutions ... ... along the entire supply chain. We are Delta Packaging. Delta Packaging, Services & Solutions.

B2B Trade

The requirements in B2B trade

With the increasing automation of retail logistics, the requirements for packaging are changing. The processes in the warehouse, during transport and ultimately in the shop place different demands on the transport packaging, pallet and warehouse layout.

Protection and

  • Packaging must protect products securely to prevent damage during transport.
  • Robust materials and effective padding are crucial to protect goods from shocks, moisture and other risks.

Innovation and

  • Although not a focus, nevertheless technological advances should be taken into account.
  • Smart packaging solutions, QR codes or RFID tags can improve traceability and efficiency.

Efficiency and

  • Efficient packaging sizes and shapes are important to minimise storage and transport costs.
  • Optimised pallet and layer patterns make stacking and handling easier.



  • When approaching new packaging concepts, companies must comply with national packaging laws.
  • Registration obligations and correct classification of packaging fractions are essential.

Sustainability and
Environmental Friendliness

  • Sustainable packaging materials, recyclability and low environmental impact are important.
  • Companies should look for resource-saving solutions to reduce their environmental impact.


The requirements for packaging materials in B2B retail are diverse. In addition to protecting the goods, efficiency, sustainability and compliance with legal requirements play a decisive role. Clever packaging solutions help to optimise the entire logistics process and protect the environment at the same time.

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